International Tourism Law: Freedom Of Movement of People Between Tourism and Terrorism
freedom, international movement, international tourism and terrorism, peace, conflictsAbstract
Considering the humanization of international law, international tourism continues to challenge the right to freedom of movement. The opportunity to meet other people, visit different places, and experience diverse cultures is a unique and individual experience that can reduce the likelihood of international conflicts. As such, international tourism is an important vehicle through which individuals can contribute to global peace. Ensuring the free movement of international tourists is not only essential for the proper functioning of the tourism industry but also reflects the global rights of individuals. In recent years, the global tourism industry has faced significant challenges beyond terrorism, including the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war, and the ongoing tensions in regions like the Middle East. These events have underscored the vulnerability of international tourism to external shocks and the resulting impact on global stability and peace. The reinstatement of visa requirements by countries like Brazil in 2024 further illustrates the delicate balance between national security and the right to freedom of movement. This paper discusses the complex relationship between the right to freedom of movement under international law and the various factors that impact international tourism, including terrorism, pandemics, and geopolitical conflicts. It highlights the critical importance of maintaining open and secure borders for the continuation of international tourism and its role in fostering global understanding and peace.
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