Obstacles in Recovery of Dower in Bangladesh
dower, Islamic jurisprudence, marital contract, Bangladesh legislation, women's rightsAbstract
Dower, a crucial element of marital agreements in Bangladesh and other Muslim societies, refers to the financial or property rights a wife is entitled to from her husband. Moreover, it plays a crucial role to enhance women’s financial security and economic independence, particularly in the event of divorce, widowhood. In Islam, a balanced societal structure is promoted through a clear division of responsibilities: women traditionally manage household affairs, while men are tasked with providing for the family’s financial needs. In Bangladesh, the right to dower is safeguarded by law, recognizing it as a binding obligation on the husband. This article examines the practical challenges in recovering dower within the Bangladeshi context and recommends enhancing awareness among wife and husband regarding their respective religious, legal, and social responsibilities in fulfilling dower obligations. The author presumes that addressing the challenges in recovering dower require multilateral approaches involving collaborations between the government, judicial activism, civil societies, religious institutions and community leaders. Moreover, increasing public awareness, reforming statutory frameworks and advocating for changes in the societal attitude to deprive women from this significant right are all inevitable for mitigating the barriers towards recovery of dower rights of Bangldeshi women.
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